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New research reveals Mars’ young northern ice cap and the surprises below its surface

26 February, 2025 - 16:49
A group of researchers from TU Delft and the Institute for Planetary Research of the German Aerospace Center have been able to the determinate the Mars’s interior structure and the age of the large ice sheet covering its north pole. They have published their findings in Nature. The team used the same geophysical trick on Mars that geologists use here on Earth to: measure how large areas of land are deformed by the ice sheet that presses down on the planet itself. That in turn says a lot about the material and structure underneath all that ice.

Delft sensor enables safe and reliable use of hydrogen

11 February, 2025 - 13:30
Scientists at TU Delft develop sensors that enable the safe and reliable use of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier, particularly in extreme environments such as aviation, polar operations, and liquid hydrogen storage. This innovation accelerates the adoption of hydrogen energy, contributing to the global transition to a carbon-neutral society.

TU Delft welcomes laboratory plane at Rotterdam The Hague Airport

21 January, 2025 - 11:30
A TU Delft laboratory aircraft was given a festive welcome at Rotterdam The Hague Airport (RTHA) today. The aircraft, a Cessna F337F Skymaster, has been acquired to allow innovations for making aviation more sustainable and reducing aircraft noise to be tested in practice. The aircraft will be used for research into for example quieter propellers, advanced propulsion systems and flying on hydrogen.

Salua Hamaza new Faculty Diversity & Inclusion Officer

20 January, 2025 - 12:27
Salua Hamaza is the new Faculty Diversity & Inclusion Officer. She succeeds Axelle Viré, who served in this role until her appointment as Department Head of Flow Physics & Technology. Salua Hamaza is Assistant Professor in Aerial Robotics & Director of the Biomorphic Intelligence Lab. She is also board member of TU Delft Robotics Institute, leading Field Robotics. Hamaza: “I am honoured to be given the opportunity to make a change within our community.”

Composites demonstrator wins a JEC Composites Innovation Award 2025

16 January, 2025 - 15:27
The Airbus-led MultiFunctional Fuselage Demonstrator project, in which SAM XL and the faculty of Aerospace Engineering are partners, has won the JEC Composities Innovation Award 2025 in the category ‘Aerospace Parts.’ The award ceremony took place on 13 January 2025 in Paris. The MFFD project is funded by CleanSky2.

Four scenarios for the Dutch Mobility System in 2050

16 January, 2025 - 09:41
In honor of her 183rd anniversary, TU Delft today presents four radical yet realistic scenarios for the future of the Dutch mobility system in 2050. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of researchers called “The Mobilisers,” these scenarios serve as a strategic framework to help stakeholders in government, industry, and academia navigate the complex challenges surrounding mobility. The four scenarios and the accompanying report are now available online.

Dear colleague, Loes Steenbergen, has passed away

24 December, 2024 - 10:37
It is with great sadness I have to inform you that our dear colleague, Service Desk employee Loes Steenbergen has passed away.

Dierbare collega, Loes Steenbergen, overleden

24 December, 2024 - 10:37
Met verdriet hebben wij kennisgenomen van het overlijden van onze dierbare collega, Servicepuntmedewerker Loes Steenbergen.

Green light for two new subprojects ‘Luchtvaart in Transitie’

9 December, 2024 - 11:35
The green light has been given for the ‘Luchtvaart in Transitie’ subprojects Flying Vision Accelerator and DASAL. Through roadmaps and model-based simulations and scenarios, the projects will pool the necessary knowledge for a solid and underpinned foundation for making aviation more sustainable. Flying Vision Accelerator is being led by TU Delft. The project leadership of DASAL lies with Royal NLR. The grants for both subprojects have been agreed and can now really start. ‘Luchtvaart in Transitie’ is a programme of the Dutch National Growth Fund.

Groen licht voor twee nieuwe deelprojecten Luchtvaart in Transitie

9 December, 2024 - 11:35
Er is groen licht voor de Luchtvaart in Transitie deelprojecten Flying Vision Accelerator en DASAL. Door middel van roadmaps en modelgebaseerd simulaties en scenario’s gaan de projecten de noodzakelijke kennis bundelen voor een stevig en onderbouwd fundament voor de verduurzaming van de luchtvaart. Flying Vision Accelerator wordt door de TU Delft getrokken. Het projectleiderschap van DASAL ligt bij Koninklijke NLR. De subsidies voor beide deelprojecten zijn akkoord en kunnen nu echt van start. Luchtvaart in Transitie is een programma van het Nationaal Groeifonds.

TU Delft team winner in Airbus-BMW Quantum Computing Challenge

9 December, 2024 - 09:54
The QAIMS team at TU Delft have won the Golden Application prize ‘pushing the boundaries of quantum tech for mobility’ in the prestigious Airbus-BMW Global Quantum Computing Challenge. Team leader Boyang Chen, Associate Professor from the Department of Aerospace Structures and Materials, accepted the award on behalf of the team in Silicon Valley today.

TU Delft team winnaar in Airbus-BMW Quantum Computing Challenge

9 December, 2024 - 09:54
Het QAIMS-team van de TU Delft heeft de Golden Application Prize 'Pushing the boundaries of quantum tech for mobility' gewonnen in de prestigieuze Airbus-BMW Global Quantum Computing Challenge. Teamleider Boyang Chen, universitair hoofddocent van de afdeling Aerospace Structures and Materials, nam de prijs vandaag namens het team in ontvangst in Silicon Valley.

Student Team ‘Da Vinci Satellite’ secures contract with ESA for CubeSat mission

28 November, 2024 - 11:04
TU Delft’s student team Da Vinci Satellite (DSV) has reached a significant milestone by signing a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) for their upcoming CubeSat mission. As part of this agreement, DVS is now officially included in ESA’s ‘Fly Your Satellite!’ program. This collaboration propels the teams ambitious project to design, build, launch and operate a nanosatellite that directly connects school children with space.

Studententeam ‘Da Vinci Satellite’ sluit contract met ESA voor CubeSat-missie

28 November, 2024 - 11:04
Het studententeam Da Vinci Satellite (DVS) van de TU Delft heeft een belangrijke mijlpaal bereikt door een contract te ondertekenen met de European Space Agency (ESA) voor hun aankomende CubeSat-missie. Als onderdeel van deze overeenkomst is DVS officieel opgenomen in ESA’s ‘Fly Your Satellite!’-programma. Deze samenwerking stimuleert het ambitieuze project van het team om een nanosatelliet te ontwerpen, bouwen, lanceren en beheren die een directe verbinding vanuit de ruimte maakt met basisschool- en middelbare scholieren.

PRELIFE consortium receives NWA funding to investigate the origin of life

19 November, 2024 - 13:50
The interdisciplinary research consortium PRELIFE has been awarded an NWA grant by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to investigate the origin of life on Earth and in the universe, one of science’s greatest unsolved puzzles. The consortium will receive €6.7 million to explore this question and comprises scientists from sixteen universities and research institutes across the Netherlands.

PRELIFE-consortium ontvangt NWA-subsidie om oorsprong van leven te onderzoeken

19 November, 2024 - 13:50
Het interdisciplinaire onderzoeksconsortium PRELIFE heeft een NWA-subsidie ontvangen van de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) om de oorsprong van leven op Aarde en in het universum te onderzoeken, een van de grootste onopgeloste puzzels van de wetenschap. Het consortium ontvangt €6,7 miljoen om deze vraag te bestuderen en bestaat uit wetenschappers van zestien universiteiten en onderzoeksinstituten in heel Nederland.

What trees teach us about sustainable production of materials

18 November, 2024 - 10:40
Trees are excellent teachers when it comes to making materials for load-bearing structures with as little resources and energy as possible. One of their secrets? When a tree grows, the direction of the wood grain adapts itself to fit the load that part of the tree is going to bear.

Wat bomen ons leren over duurzame productie van materialen

18 November, 2024 - 10:40
Bomen zijn uitstekende leermeesters als het gaat om het maken van materialen voor dragende constructies met zo min mogelijk grondstoffen en energie. Een van hun geheimen? Wanneer een boom groeit, past de richting van de houtnerf zich aan aan de belasting die dat deel van de boom gaat dragen.

TU Delft jointly wins in XPRIZE Rainforest competition in Brazil

17 November, 2024 - 13:00
On November 15, 2024, after five years of intensive research and competition, the ETHBiodivX team, which included TU Delft Aerospace researchers Salua Hamaza and Georg Strunck, achieved an outstanding milestone: winning the XPRIZE Rainforest Bonus Prize for outstanding effort in co-developing inclusive technology for nature conservation.

TU Delft wint gezamenlijk Bonus Prize in XPRIZE Rainforest competitie in de Amazone

17 November, 2024 - 13:00
Op 15 november 2024, na vijf jaar intensief onderzoek en competitie, bereikte het ETHBiodivX-team, waarvan ook Luchtvaart- en Ruimtevaartonderzoekers van de TU Delft, Salua Hamaza en Georg Strunck, deel uitmaakten, een opmerkelijke mijlpaal: ze wonnen de XPRIZE Rainforest Bonus Prize voor uitmuntende inspanningen bij het gezamenlijk ontwikkelen van inclusieve technologie voor natuurbehoud.