
Elisabeth started studying in Delft in 2010, when she immediately took place in the Women with Wings committee and the Promoteam. The year after, she put all her effort in the JaerBouck committee, responsible for the Classified Year Book. After making sure that the 67th year would never be forgotten, Elisabeth became responsible for lectures and excursions in the 20th Aviation Department in 2012. At the same time, she evaluated the courses in the B3. The next year, she continued with the evaluations in the ME and at the same time she became responsible for the Studytour. In 2014 Elisabeth decided to join the VliegCie, one of the lustrum committees responsible for the Flying Weekend.
Altogether, Elisabeth has shown her tireless effort in 8 committees in 5 years. With this, she fully earned her title as Member of Merit of the VSV!