
Jasper ten Bloemendal started in a smart vest when he joined the Year Book Committee in 2013. During his first year, he got to know the VSV and all its deepest secrets while compiling the book 'Ignition'. All those evenings of writing were fun, but he clearly needed something new to spark his interests. Thank goodness the so called 'beunavonden' luckily didn't scare him away from our beloved association, as he then went on to be part of the Design Battle Competition committee in 2014. During this 14th lustrum year, Jasper and his team hosted the epic DeBaCo edition 'Met een Zugt door de Lucht'. In 2015, he decided to take on a more serious role in the Space Department. Here, his function was to organise and coordinate the lectures for the space enthusiasts at the faculty of Aerospace Engineering. After three successful years of being an active member, he decided to go global and performed the role of determining which countries would be visited during the study trip in 2017. This study trip was formally addressed as a 'continental trip', but he scaled things up and ventured all the way out to the United Arab Emirates to explore the leading aerospace companies that this country had to offer. To break up his serious weeks of studying and 'study touring', he also helped out in the CieCie as Commissioner of Logistics and organised an Active Members' Weekend for everyone to attend. Having showed his capable skills, he joined the Airshow Committee in 2017. During all above, he certainly had fun, learned a lot and even managed to literally knock our socks off when presenting an epic idea to design exclusive aerospace feet gadgets! In 2018, he went on to organise next year's 15th lustrum ‘Endeavour’. Together with the PreLuCie, he again showed off his creative talent by successfully preparing the VSV for yet another amazing lustrum year. The cherry on top is his role in the CubeCie, taking part in the Educational Team that is preparing the VSV Cubesat's educational programme in the Netherlands. Jasper never said no to taking on new tasks, never went by 'just okay' or 'good enough', and most importantly, never forgot to smile, and that's why he is Member of Merit of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’.