Passed Away
- Ir. J. Leyds
- Ir. L.J. van Ameyden
- Ir. C. den Hartog
- Ir. F. Holwerda
- His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard
- H.J. van der Maas
Join this dinnertable to take a break from your exams!
Are you an Aviation fan or Space geek? Come by 'de Atmosfeer' and battle it out! The 80th board will be behind the bar tonight, so be sure to drop by!
Schiphol Airside Excursion!
Join us for a tour of ESA facilities!
Join this interesting tour trough the facilities of LVNL to find out more about what they do!
Join a senior committee!
Tonight there is an interest drink!
Ever wondered how the many events the VSV organises are made possible? They are all organised by our committees, and we’d love for you to help us out! Besides from contributing to the VSV, you are developing professional skills, joining a close community and having a lot of fun along the way!
Vrimibo XL
Lunch in 'de Atmosfeer'
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