Christel Prins

Christel has been active at the VSV since her first year, where she joined the C1A to organise activities like a karaoke party for her fellow freshmen. During her second year, Christel became part of the space department to organise a symposium, with André Kuipers as highlight of the day. During that year she also helped to improve the study of Aerospace Engineering, by participating in the B2 committee. During the Lustrum year in 2015, she helped to organise the lustrum month as commissioner of logistics. With the Upcie she gave every memeber of the VSV an incredible experience.

Lunch Lecture by Parrot incl. Lunch

Join Us for an Exclusive Lunch Lecture on Parrot, leader in the drone industry ! 


Tristan Mallet, Head of Guidance & Autonomous Flight, and Nicolas Debaud, Head of Automation & Sensor Integration will share insights into their expertise, developments, and challenges in their fields. It will be a great opportunity to learn, ask questions, and engage in an inspiring discussion !

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Lunch Lecture by Swiss Astronaut Claude Nicollier

Space Department
Lecture Hall A

Claude Nicollier was born in Vevey, Switzerland, in 1944. He became an astrophysicist after studies in physics in Lausanne and astrophysics in Geneva. He also trained as a Swiss Air Force pilot and as an airline pilot. He is a graduate of the Empire Test Pilot’s School, Boscombe Down, United Kingdom, class of 1988. His service with the Swiss Air Force was a part-time activity from 1966 to 2004, and he flew the De Havilland Venom, Hawker Hunter and F-5E Tiger aircraft types. He was active as a First Officer on the DC-9 aircraft with SWISSAIR from 1974 to 1976.

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