Tonight, Jasper Müller will join the ranks of Member of Merit of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ on Tuesday the 9th of December. He started studying in Delft in the year 2008 and began working on a broad VSV career. As a first year student Jasper signed up for the BarCo and drafted the most delighting beers for his fellow students. In the year that followed Jasper became a part of the ‘EJWcie’ and organised an astounding Freshman’s Weekend. In 2011 Jasper joined the Airshow committee and was responsible for the aircraft displayed that made this airshow unforgettable. The next year Jasper committed his time to master students by participating in the Master Department Apollo, organising lectures and inhouse days. Besides his efforts for fellow master students he rowed the ‘Ringvaart’, a prestigious match of 100 kilometers, to show his support for charity. He also showed interest in improving the education of the faculty of Aerospace Engineering by participating in the Master Evaluation committee.
Altogether one can say that Jasper Müller fully earned his title as Member of Merit of the VSV!