On-campus day Master Students

Dear master students, We've noticed that a lot of master students and especially thesis students have limited knowledge about the on-campus day for their master track.
The current schedule can be found below. The most up-to-date information is found in announcement page of 'Students Aerospace Engineering' on Brightspace (link).

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Design competition Faculty Hoodies

As you might be aware the VSV Is sells faculty hoodies with great quotes such as “this is how we roll”, “do you even lift bro?” and “thrust me I know the way out of here”. The Education Committee is currently looking for the next design so, are you walking around with a great quote or pun on aerospace engineering and would like to design a sweater for everyone? Then submit your design to vsv@tudelft.nl including a digital graphic of the design. The deadline is the 18th of may, then we will release a poll so everyone can decide on the best sweater.
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Ir. J. (opa) Leyds Passed Away

With great sadness we learned that Ir. J. Leyds, Honourary Member and Founder of the VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci', has passed away.

Ir. J. Leyds was born in Jakarta, Indonesia on the 25th of April 1919 and he passed away on the 19th of June 2015 in the neighborhood of Milton, Ontario, Canada. Ir. J. Leyds was the first President of the VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci' and he considered himself the Grandfather of the VSV.

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New Member of Merit Elisabeth van der Sman

Tonight, Elisabeth van der Sman will join the ranks of Member of Merit of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’. Elisabeth started studying in Delft in 2010, when she immediately took place in the Women with Wings committee and the Promoteam. The year after, she put all her effort in the JaerBouck committee, responsible for the Classified Year Book. After making sure that the 67th year would never be forgotten, Elisabeth became responsible for lectures and excursions in the 20th Aviation Department in 2012. At the same time, she evaluated the courses in the B3. The next year, she continued with the evaluations in the ME and at the same time she became responsible for the Studytour. In 2014 Elisabeth decided to join the VliegCie, one of the lustrum committees responsible for the Flying Weekend.

Altogether, Elisabeth has shown her tireless effort in 8 committees in 5 years. With this, she fully earned her title as Member of Merit of the VSV!

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New Member of Merit

Tonight, Jasper Müller will join the ranks of Member of Merit of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ on Tuesday the 9th of December. He started studying in Delft in the year 2008 and began working on a broad VSV career. As a first year student Jasper signed up for the BarCo and drafted the most delighting beers for his fellow students. In the year that followed Jasper became a part of the ‘EJWcie’ and organised an astounding Freshman’s Weekend. In 2011 Jasper joined the Airshow committee and was responsible for the aircraft displayed that made this airshow unforgettable.

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Member of Honour Martin Schröder

On Thursday 5th of June the 69th board of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ had the honour to ask Dr. Martin Schröder as a member of honour of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’. In 1958 mr. Schröder founded the second airline in the Netherlands; Martinair. Ever since he has been very involved with aviation in the Netherlands. Mister Schröder has recently shown what an inspirational person he is, during the CEO-interview in October.
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Member of Merit Charlotte Broek

On Sunday the 25th of May we asked a new Member of Merit of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’, Charlotte Broek! Charlotte started her VSV career during the 13th lustrum year of the VSV.

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Wubbo Ockels

We received the sad news that prof. dr. Wubbo Ockels passed away. Wubbo Ockels was involved with our faculty as a professor and an inspiration for many students. Wubbo Ockels was always prepared to help the students, also with the projects such as the Nuon Solar Team and the Solar Boat Team. We would like to thank Wubbo Ockels for his effort.
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Member of Honour Michel Peters

On Monday the 31th of March the 69th board of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ had the honour to ask Ir. Michel Peters a new member of honour of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’. Since 2010, Mr. Peters is the general director of the NLR (National Aerospace Laboratory) and in which he has been helping our society a lot. During the past years Mr. Peters has shown he has a heart for the society, he has contributed to our annual study tour, by helping to find contact information of international companies.

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