Studying Aerospace Engineering can be quite tough. On this page you can find some references to help offered by the faculty of Aerospace Engineering, and the TU Delft, if you are experiencing any difficulties; personal or study related.

Academic counsellors 

The faculty of Aerospace Engineering has several academic counsellors. They are there to help you with any issues or questions you might have. These can be study related, for example regarding the BSA, or study planning, but also more difficult or personal issues. They are also there if you just need someone to talk to. In any case, don't be afraid to take up contact with them! More information can be found by clicking here or the link below, including where to contact them.

Wellbeing page TU Delft

The university offers support for all students studying at the TU Delft. Everything that the university offers can be found on the Wellbeing & Study page on the university website, which can be found here (or the link below). On the page you can find information regarding support, for example about student psychologists and study tips. There are also tools that can help you, like an online wellbeing e-health tool. We highly recommend that you check out the webpage, you might find something useful that you did not know about.

VSV board

It is possible that you have an issue, but you don't know who to go to, or you want to talk to a student first. In that case it is always possible to send an e-mail to the VSV board to or message one of the VSV board members privately or walk up to them. We will try to help you the best we can, but it is important to know that we are not in any way qualified to give any form of help. In most cases we would advise you to take up contact with the academic counsellors, as they are best able to help you as a student. But the option to contact us is still always there, just in case.

Confidential mentors

Next to the confidential advisors of the TU Delft, the VSV has new confidential mentors every year, starting from 2021. 

When you experience or have experienced undesirable beharior as a student like discrimination, intimidation, stalking or bullying, you can always tell your story to the confidential mentor. They offer you an accessible and confidential listening ear. The VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci' has two confidential mentors: Katinka Kok (v) and Timo Burggraaf (m).

You can contact (text or whatsapp) one of the confidential mentors via the contact details below. They aim to contact you within 48 hours to make an appointment. 

Katinka Kok - +31 6 28086485

Timo Burggraaf - +31 6 57081524

They also can be reached via:

Marieke Breddels (v) from the current board also has had the confidentially contact person training, her contact details can be found below:

Marieke Breddels - +31 6 12926607