Pitch your idea or project to receive funding!


The VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci' maintains a fund for Delft University of Technology Aerospace students. Every year a portion of the VSV budget is reserved to support new project and activities proposed by Aerospace engineering students. This is not limited to those organised by VSV committees but is also open for non-active members. 

The goal of this fund is to support ideas which contribute to the study experience of students at our faculty, in its broadest sense. This can ben an event either be social or educational of nature or even usefull merchandise. 

Students are welcome to present their initiatives to request funding for the VSV Activity Fund!



VSV Pockies: in 2022, some members of the VSV designed VSV pockies. To make them more affordable for the members, they received 500 euro's from the activity fund.

VSV Flying day: in 2021 a day was organised which allowed 30 members to fly glider aircraft. This idea was funded with 1000 euro's to make it affordable for all students.

Aerospace socks: In 2018, a special aerospace design for socks was made. This idea was funded with 1000 euro's, to sell the socks for a cheaper price.

Start of the year BBQ: In the beginning of this academic year, a commitee of the VSV organised a BBQ for all freshmen. They received 240 euro's to make this event financially accesible for freshmen.

Racing experience: In 2018, a group of people had the idea of doing a 'racing experience'. They organised a karting day and got 630 euro's. 

Automotive Tour: Every year, an automotive tour is organised by the VSV. The organising committee received 450 euro's from the fund to organise the trip. This money was used to make the trip accesible for all students.

Procedure and Criteria

If you have an idea for which you want to make use of the fund, you can do so by sending an email to vsv@tudelft.nl. In this email, you should include a sample budget for the event. From this budget, it should be clear where the money from the fund goes to: which parts of the costs will the fund cover? Also, in the email should be a short summary of the event and why this event contributes to the study experience of an aerospace student.

Please note the following criteria:

- The money of the fund can not be used to fund alcohol
- It should be a unique event, which is not in the standard year calendar already
- The initiative can not make profit
- The initiative should be relevant to (at least a part of the) aerospace students


Sustainability Fund

If you have an outstanding idea to make your event more sustainable in a special way, you could request funding from the VSV Sustainability Fund. This new fund is part of the Activity Fund, but will be used to make events or other ideas extra sustainable.