On Monday the 31th of March the 69th board of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ had the honour to ask Ir. Michel Peters a new member of honour of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’. Since 2010, Mr. Peters is the general director of the NLR (National Aerospace Laboratory) and in which he has been helping our society a lot. During the past years Mr. Peters has shown he has a heart for the society, he has contributed to our annual study tour, by helping to find contact information of international companies. The NLR also gives us the opportunity to visit their facilities, do a case study or give the students workshops at the NLR, such as this year during the business tour.
Ir. Michel Peters will be installed as a member of honour on the 12th of December 2014, during the Extraordinary General Members Assembly which will take place in the city hall.