
The Space Department (RVD) is the oldest department of the VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci'. The RVD promotes astronautics among students and employees by organising lectures, excursions and other astronautic related activities. Approximately two times per period the RVD organises a lecture about a space-related subject. The guest lecturers come from all over Europe, but mostly from the Benelux. Lectures were given about for example MarsOne and Galileo. Next to that, every period the RVD organises an excursion to a space-related company or exposition, sometimes even abroad. The goal of these excursions is to have a look inside a company, where you normally are not allowed to be. Examples are excursions to the European Astronaut Center in Germany and the A Human Adventure Exposition in Jaarbeurs Utrecht. Biannually in July, the Multiple Day Excursion (MDE) is organized. This is a one week trip to a European country. In this week, a group of about 20 students visit leading space-companies in that country. Of course, there is also plenty of room to explore the culture of the particular location. Finally, once every two years the RVD organizes a symposium about a space-related theme (this alternates witch the LVD, which organizes a symposium in years during which the RVD doesn't organize one).
Do you want to contact us? Email to:
Thomas Barros Jones - President
Pepijn Jeukens - Treasurer
Wouter Offringa - Qualitate Qua
Diede van Rheede - President
Finn de Ridder - Secretary
Tristan Souillart - Commissioner of Lectures
Lucy Zhang - Commissioner of Excursions
Isabeau Hendrickx - Commissioner of MDE
Stefan Cox - Commissioner of MDE
Emile Schummer - Commissioner of External Affairs
Gijs Lagerweij - Qualitate Qua



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