Two party areas, one thousand visitors and an amazing line-up. This combination makes the biggest and most awesome party of the VSV! After several years Airbase has grown to be a true phenomenon within Delft, all with the help of the dedicated members of the Airbase committee! This year they will make this party a huge success yet again! Check for more information!
Do you want to contact us? Email to:
Timo van der Paardt - Chair
Alune Greeve - Qualitate Qua
Justin Post - Commissioner of Promotion
Vishwajeetsinh Jadhavrao - Commissioner of Artists
Bart Meenderman - Commissioner of P&O
Jonas Meij - Commissioner of Logistics
Job de Vries - Treasurer
Alune Greeve - Qualitate Qua
Justin Post - Commissioner of Promotion
Vishwajeetsinh Jadhavrao - Commissioner of Artists
Bart Meenderman - Commissioner of P&O
Jonas Meij - Commissioner of Logistics
Job de Vries - Treasurer
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