My name is Wouter Offringa and I am the secretary of the 79th board of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’. As the secretary of the VSV board, I am responsible for the communication between the VSV and all its members and other associations and stakeholders. This means that all mail will be read and distributed by me. Furthermore I will update all our members by means of our activity mailing. Next to these core tasks I am responsible for the members database, planning of the VSV year, archive, VSV website and social media.
Besides the tasks that belong to my function within the board I am responsible for several committees: the Space Department, Leonardo Times, C1AS and the Pre Lustrum Committee. The Space Department is responsible for lectures and excursions, such as an excursion to the old observatory in Leiden. Furthermore, they are organising the yearly Symposium, of which the theme will be revealed soon. The Leonardo Times is the quarterly magazine, reporting on the latest news from the aviation and space industry, while also highlighting research from our own faculty. Furthermore, the C1AS is the freshmen committee for activities & sports, organising the skiing trip, a football tournament and other activities. Finally, the PreLuCie is tasked with the preparation of the 16th lustrum.