Geïnstalleerd op:
22 March 2005

Peter Frans Hartman was born in 1949 on Curaçao. He has studied mechanical engineering in Amsterdam. Besides mechanical engineering, he finished economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
In October 1973, Mr. Hartman started working as a labor analyst in the Engineering & Maintenance (E&M) department of KLM. In the years between 1973 and 1984, he has had different national and international positions within KLM.
In 1984, Mr. Hartman was assigned as the director of Technical Contract services and became Senior Vice-President Ground services in 1989. In this position Peter Hartman was responsible for the processes at Schiphol.
Peter Hartman became Senior Vice-President Customer services in 1990 and was the Executive Vice-President Personnel & Organisation in April 1994. Two years later, Peter Hartman became the Executive Vice-President Engineering & Maintenance and was a member of the board of KLM NV.
On the first of April 2007, Mr. Hartman was installed as President & CEO of KLM. Besides that, he was a member of the supervisory board of Air France-KLM. Since the first of July 2013 Peter Hartman is the vice chairman of Air France-KLM.
Four years ago, Mr. Hartman, has helped the VSV with a space ticket from KLM. After an essay competition, Nout van Zon has won this ticket. Because of this, Nout will be the first astronaut of the VSV.