Geïnstalleerd op:
4 December 2009

Ir. Bart Reijnen graduated on 1995 at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the TU Delft, at the chair of Stability and Control. In 1992/1993 he took part on the board of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ as the last Commissioner Excursions.
From 1995 to 2005 Reijnen worked on various locations within EADS (European Aeronautics Defense & Space Company) in Germany and France. At Airbus, he was responsible for the Project Management Office of the A380 (then called A3XX) megaliner project and at the EADS Head Office in Munich, he was Chief of Staff of the Chief Executive Officer.
Since the acquisition of Dutch Space by EADS Astrium in 2006, Reijnen is CEO of the Leiden-based company. With 220 employees it is the largest space company in the Netherlands. From February 2013 till November 2016 Ir. Reijnen was Site Director and Head of Orbital Systems and Space Exploration at Airbus Defense & Space Bremen, the former EADS Astrium. From November 2016 Ir. Reijnen is CEO of the Satair Group in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Also, Reijnen was chairman of SpaceNed, the association for Dutch Space companies. Furthermore, he is member of various advisory boards within the Aerospace sector. He also is a member of honour of the NVR.
Reijnen is still connected with the faculty of Aerospace Engineering as member of the advisory board of the SpaceTech program (post-graduate program in space systems and business engineering) and as board member of the Delft Aerospace Alumni.
He was installed at the Special General Members Assembly as Member of Honour of the VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ on the 4th of December in 2009.