
My name is Willemijn, I'm 23 years old and originally from the East of the Netherlands. I started studying Aerospace Engineering in 2020 when it was full Covid and
everything was online. But that did not stop me from joining the Jaerbouck committee and creating the beautiful T-Minus Yearbook! After that, I joined the EJW'cie
and organised the first freshmen weekend after all the COVID regulations, which was super fun. In my third year, I moved to Prague for half a year for my minor but joined the
MediaCo to stay active at the VSV. Last year, I started my master's in Flight Performance and joined the PreLuCie, with whom we created the beautiful Lustrum theme and logo.
And this year,  I'll pause my studies to become the president of the VSV!

In my free time, I like to play tennis at Obvius, go to the BeMa, have fun in 'de Atmosfeer', or listen to Taylor Swift!
I hope to see many of you at the various VSV activities this year or in 'de Atmosfeer'.
I'm always in for a talk, so don't hesitate to come up to me!